
Monday, September 3, 2012

Foundations in Accountancy offers to students to select the most appropriate entry route in ACCA and progression to additional qualifications, based on their previous qualifications, experience and future career aspirations.

It is important to note exams FAB, FMA and FFA within Foundations in Accountancy are exactly the same as exams F1, F2 and F3 of the ACCA Qualification and share identical syllabuses, study guides and assessment methods. F1, F2 and F3 of the ACCA Qualification will be updated and also first examined in December 2011. Students who complete F1, F2 and F3 of the ACCA Qualification and Foundations in Professionalism will also be awarded the Diploma in Accounting and Business.

Route 1: No formal academic qualifications Students with no formal academic qualifications can register to take exams at any level within Foundations in Accountancy. There is no requirement to complete the Introductory Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting or the Intermediate Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting prior to completing the Diploma in Accounting and Business, although students are strongly recommended to do so. However, please note students who wish to complete the CAT Qualification will need to complete FA1, MA1, FA2 and MA2, or gain exemption from them on the basis of practical experience.

The introduction of the Diploma in Accounting and Business, with open access through Foundations in Accountancy will replace the current Mature Student Entry Route (MSER) of the ACCA Qualification for students who do not meet the ACCA Qualification minimum entry requirements.
Students who would have normally joined under MSER will now have the option of taking FAB, FMA and FFA under Foundations in Accountancy instead. This is less confusing for students, removes the time pressure of having to pass exams within a two year period and allows students to take the FAB, FMA and FFA in any order. When students have completed FAB, FMA and FFA, they will claim exemption from the F1, F2 and F3 of the ACCA Qualification and will start at the Skills module exams. Students currently registered under the MSER on the ACCA Qualification will be notified of the changes and transition arrangements.

Route 2: Meeting the minimum entry requirements for the ACCA Qualification For students who meet the minimum entry requirements to commence the ACCA Qualification i.e. have a minimum of 2 A Levels and 3 GCSEs or equivalent, they can either register for the ACCA Qualification and commence their studies at the Knowledge module with F1, F2 and F3; or register on the Foundations in Accountancy and complete the Introductory and Intermediate Certificates in Financial and Management Accounting if they prefer to take this route first.
ACCA recommends students register directly onto the ACCA Qualification if they meet the minimum entry requirements for the qualification instead of entering the ACCA Qualification via Foundations in Accountancy. However, the option is available to those students who wish to obtain additional certificates at introductory and intermediate levels before commencing their studies on the ACCA Qualification

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